A Fund Matching Fundraiser!
A Fund Matching Fundraiser!

SaskOrganics works to support the organic sector in Saskatchewan through research, advocacy, and education.

We fundraise through sponsorship and advertising, enhanced member fees, and donations from our members!

There are some projects we have on the go that you can support. Each donation gets us closer to our funding goals so that we can continue to deliver great programs for our members.

Check out the projects that you can support with your donation. If you donate before the end of 2024, your investment will have double the impact! A generous supporter has agreed to match any funds we raise up to $25,000! We’re excited about the potential to bring more value to our members when your support.

Consumer Advocacy
SaskOrganics works to educate consumers about the benefits of buying organic and shopping from local suppliers! Support us to visit trade shows, put on consumer events and provide educational materials to get people buying organic!

A New Website
The core of outreach is a great website, and we need a new one! Help us reach our funding goal so that we can build a website that lets you connect with others in the community, advertise to consumers, and share information among producers.

SaskOrganics has built a network with researchers in Saskatchewan and across Canada. We review research proposals as an industry partner in the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF), and proposals submitted to the Organic Science Cluster, and provide letters of support for research proposals that we believe will benefit organic growers. Part of our work is gathering information on the issues facing producers across the province, and ensuring that we’re engaging with stakeholders to communicate our members’ concerns.

Organic Market Builder

Marketing products to consumers is an art and a science! For members selling directly to consumers, we’d like to help! We’re working to build an online marketplace for our members to post goods for sale and find new customers.

Abundance Magazine

We publish our much loved magazine 4 times a year and it’s free to our members! You can help us keep publishing by purchasing a yearly subscription. It makes a great gift too!


From education materials for consumers, to knowledge building and sharing among producers about new agricultural products and land management practices, we’re building an information hub! Your support helps us to develop materials and keep in touch with industry professionals and stakeholders about the latest and best organic production techniques.


**You will receive a receipt upon donation. SaskOrganics does not have charitable status, therefore donations are not eligible for a charitable tax receipt. If you wish to claim your donation as a business expense please obtain advice from a tax professional. We thank you for your support.


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