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Organic Research Workshop, Swift Current SK

October 31, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - November 1, 2019 @ 5:00 pm



  • Workshop & Tradeshow: 1:00pm-5:30pm, October 31st
  • Evening Social & Tradeshow: 7:00pm-9:30pm, October 31st
  • Workshop & Tradeshow: 8:00am-5:00pm, November 1st

Day 1 – Thursday, October 31

  • Program will include a producer panel of on-farm research project participants, panel and discussion about glyphosate contamination impacts for the organic sector, a grain buyer’s forum, adding value to SK-grown organic crops, and more.
  • Refreshments included with registration
  • Supper Break (supper not included with registration)
  • Reconvene for an evening social with live music, opportunity to network with workshop attendees in an informal setting.
  • Trade Show breaks will be scheduled throughout the afternoon and will continue during the evening social.

Day 2 – Friday, November 1

  • The organic research presentations will include: Cover crop blends and their impact on the following cash crop, intercropping with grain and forage crops, living mulches and their role in crop rotations, weed control, impact of agronomic practices on crop pathogens, rotations, tillage timing and intensity, relay continuous cropping, economic analysis of cropping systems, nitrogen use efficiency, development of perennial cereals, microorganisms for biocontrol of pathogens and increased plant growth, and more!
  • Lunch and refreshments included with registration
  • Trade show breaks will be scheduled throughout the program.

*Program subject to change slightly between now and event


TICKETS: $50.00 +GST (and eventbrite fees)

TO REGISTER ONLINE: https://bit.ly/2m2GbwC             OR CALL: 306-535-3456

For more information on program content or media inquiries contact: organics.swiftcurrent@gmail.com or phone 306-770-4459



Coast Hotel (Conference venue hotel): Guest Room rate of $108+taxes and fees was held until the morning of October 25th. No guarantees for that rate or available rooms beyond that date.

Mention the conference name “Organic Workshop” when you are booking your room.

For reservations call: (306) 773-4643 

For other accommodation options, visit: https://tourismswiftcurrent.ca/category/where-to-stay/

Sponsorship & Trade Show

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors


Trade Show Vendor List




October 31, 2019 @ 1:00 pm
November 1, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
Event Categories:

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