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July 2016
Cover Crop Field Day – Upland Organics
9am - 3pm Come and join us for a fun day and learn more about how to use cover crops in your conventional, organic or livestock operation! Come for a morning of interesting speakers and an afternoon of field tours and demonstrations. Presentations: Benefits and Techniques of Cover Crops Gary Richards, Richards Family Farm and Livestock Ltd. Soil Health Dr. Jeff Schoenau, Canada Research Chair, University of Saskatchewan Pre-Registration is FREE if you register before June 24th. After June 24th…
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Come join us for a fun day and learn about: mechanical weed control in organic production the benefit of green manure/cover crops in your crop rotation soil recycling, composting and wood chipping bee keeping and honey processing organic fruit production The event is open to everyone – organic, transitioning and conventional farmers, consumers interested in learning more about local food production. Registration Includes: seat on air conditioned tour coach, lunch, tour & refreshments at Over the Hill Orchard and BBQ…
Find out more »August 2016
Low-Input & Organic Agricultural Systems Field Day
Swift Current Research and Development Centre Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current Registration Fee: $20 (includes coffee/tea, drinks, snacks, lunch, gluten free option available) Program 8.15am Registration and coffee in Thomson Room/Display & presentation of field equipment 9.15am Tour leaves research centre to visit trials at South Farm 11.45am Return to research centre for lunch, networking and presentations in the afternoon. For further information about the field trials and presentations download the poster here.
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Keewatin Farm Field Day
Agenda Wecker Farm, Sedley - learn about the on farm research trial comparing an Einbock Chopstar inter-row cultivator and an Einbock Aerostar rotation harrow to evaluate the level of weed control against a control plot. Liebel Farm, Balgonie - CurseBuster demonstration. The Cursebuster is a true tandem soil aerator that has a full length frame with sets of tines front and rear on rollers that can be adjusted to half a degree. Will Oddie, Keewatin Farm - In the past few years they have tried intercropping, cover crops and now, a couple…
Find out more »August 2017
Johnson Family Farm Field Day
Come join us for a fun afternoon and learn from: Dr. Jennifer Mitchell Fetch – Importance of breeding cultivars under organic conditions Terry Tyson, Grain Millers – Update on organic oat breeding Garry Johnson – Organic, Gluten Free Farming & Oravena Oat Field walk Marla Carlson – SaskOrganics Update The event is open to everyone – organic, transitioning and conventional farmers, consumers interested in learning more about local food production. To find out more contact Marla Carlson Phone/Text: 306-535-3456…
Find out more »July 2018
Soil Health-Field Day (Upland Organics)
Guest speakers will include: Jay Fuhrer Soil Health Specialist, NRCS Bismark, ND Kevin Elmy, P.Ag Friendly Acres Seed Farm Inc. Saltcoats, SK The afternoon is all about what is happening on Upland Organics farm and will include viewing: -multiple cover crop variety plots -intensive grazing fields -equipment demonstrations We hope you'll join us for this fantastic day on the farm! To register:
Find out more »July 2019
Back to Your Roots Field Walk
Description Please join us for a presentation and field walk hosted by Back to Your Roots Soil Solutions Inc. near Outlook, Saskatchewan. Glen Rabenberg, CEO of Soil Works LLC will be joining us for the day to share his knowledge and experience. Glen is an internationally known speaker, soil expert, CEO, and organic farmer. His areas of expertise are soil remediation, high quality crop production, organic farming practices, and animal health. He explains through storytelling and humor how simply correcting…
Find out more »Covering our Tracks-Field day
Program This field day will tour the family farms of Keith Buckingham and Garry Richards, of the Bangor SK area. It will also feature a presentation"Benefits to soil from legumes in a system": Soils data from polycrop study by Dr. Jeff Schoenau, Professor of Soil Fertility at University of Saskatchewan, & Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Soil Nutrient Management. It is a bus tour departing from Regina, SK (Old Costco Parking Lot), arriving first at the Bangor…
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