SaskOrganics is a farmer led membership non-profit organization. We serve all certified organic entities throughout the value chain in Saskatchewan by advocating for a sustainable and thriving organic Community through leadership in research, market development and communications.
- Represents and assists in the development of organic agriculture
- Provides professional development and technical assistance to certified organic farmers, processors and consumer of certified organic products.
- Promotes the expansion of markets and the improvement of trade relations locally, provincially, nationally and internationally
- Participates in the maintenance of Canada’s national organic standard (Canada Organic Regime).
Our Vision
Cultivating a healthier world for the benefit of all through organic food and agriculture.
Our Mission
To advocate for a sustainable and thriving organic community through leadership in research, market development and communications.
Our Strategic Plan 2022-2024
SaskOrganics underwent a Strategic Planning Process in 2018 to guide the vision and direction for the following years. Between late August 2021 and January 2022, Blossom Communications worked closely with SaskOrganics’ staff, board of directors, and other external stakeholders to develop a new Strategic Plan to guide the organization through to 2024.
For the full Strategic Plan Report, click here.