Soil Microbe to Farmer – I’m Here! Soil Health Workshop & AGM
Soil Microbe to Farmer – I’m Here! Soil Health Workshop & AGM

 This year SaskOrganics is holding our AGM in conjunction with Soil Microbe To Farmer – I’m here! soil health workshop.  At the AGM, in addition to the financial and other reports and the election of Directors we are pleased to announce that Dan Danielson, SaskWheat Development Commission Vice Chair, will be addressing the meeting. Dan will be providing a report on SaskWheat’s Contribution to Organic Research.   You can join us for the AGM only, but we hope you will take advantage of the full day – it is going to be an informative session!  Read on to learn more about the workshop and the program for the day.


Jill Clapperton, PhD will be leading 2 sessions on soil health:

Down the Worm Hole – knowing your below ground neighbours
Rhizoterra – Is it all Greek to you? Rhizo means root, and sphere means everything that goes on around the root. We are going to get our learn’n on, and talk about plant-soil-and soil biota (all soil organisms) interactions. Just so we are clear this is not just about soil bacteria and fungi: there are also animals involved!will be leading two sessions on soil health:

Growing Healthy and Productive Soil
In this session we will tackle the following question: As farmers how do we help our soil ecosystems function more efficiently and effectively?

Derek Axten

Restoring Biology with Intercrops, Companion Crops, and Cover Crops
Derek and his family own and operate a farm in Minton, SK.  They have been direct seeding since 1996, low disturbance no-till since 2007, and CTF since 2015.  The past few years they have focused on improving soil health by inter-cropping, companion cropping, planting cover crops, and re-introducing livestock.

Soil Health – Perspectives from the Field
Organic Farmer Panel: Ian Cushon, Cody Straza & Stewart Wells



8.30am – Registration & Coffee

9.00am – Welcome

Down the Worm Hole – knowing your below ground neighbours
Jill Clapperton, PhD

Rhizoterra – Is it all Greek to you? Rhizo means root, and sphere means everything that goes on around the root. We are going to get our learn’n on, and talk about plant-soil-and soil biota (all soil organisms) interactions. Just so we are clear this is not just about soil bacteria and fungi: there are also animals involved!

10.30am – Break/Trade Show Time

Growing Healthy and Productive Soil
Jill Clapperton, PhD

In this session we will tackle the following question: As farmers how do we help our soil ecosystems function more efficiently and effectively?

12noon – Lunch

SaskOrganics AGM

  • Financial Reports, Director Elections
  • SaskWheat’s Contribution to Organic Research
    Dan Danielson-Vice Chair, SaskWheat Development Commission

2.20pm –  Break/Trade Show Time

Restoring Biology with Intercrops, Companion Crops, and Cover Crops
Derek Axten
Derek and his family own and operate a farm in Minton, SK.  They have been direct seeding since 1996, low disturbance no-till since 2007, and CTF since 2015.  The past few years they have focused on improving soil health by inter-cropping, companion cropping, planting cover crops, and re-introducing livestock.

Soil Health – Perspectives from the Field
Organic Farmer Panel: Ian Cushon, Cody Straza & Stewart Wells

4.20pm            Conclusion

Registration for the day:

Tickets purchased before 12noon 28th March 2017
$​75 (first person from the farm)
$​4​0 (each additional person from the farm)

At the Door:
$​100​ (first person from the farm)
$​50 (each additional person from the farm)

AGM Only

Tickets purchased before 12noon 28th March 2017

At the Door:

You can download the poster and program here.


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