Controlling Perennial Weeds in Organic Production
Thursday, 10th March 2016
Venue: Travelodge, 4177 Albert Street
12.30pm – Coffee & Registration
1.00pm – 4.30pm Workshop
Registration Fee: $50
Friday, 11th March 2016
Venue: Station 20 West, 1120 20th Street
12.30pm – Coffee & Registration
1.00pm – 4.30pm Workshop
Registration Fee: $50
- Keith Bamford, University of Manitoba, Natural Systems Agriculture “Organic Weed Control in Organic Production”
- Dr. Russell Hynes – “’Phoma macrostoma’ Bioherbicide – Where is it now?”
- Organic Farmer Panel – “Perennial Weed Experiences”
To register or for more information contact Marla 306-535-3456 .
Thank you to our sponsors!
Marshall’s Gluten-Free Milling
Thank you to the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative our industry partner.
If your organization is interested in sponsorship opportunities please contact Marla Carlson 306-535-3456 or