SaskOrganics Website Now Live!
SaskOrganics Website Now Live!

Wednesday June 8, 2016 – Regina

We’re happy to announce that our new website is now live at:

The website will provide information on how to grow and eat organic food in Saskatchewan.

Prairie organic farming is on the rise. There are 820 certified organic farmers and 89 certified organic processors farming 900,000 acres in Saskatchewan.  Being veterans of a long and dignified history of organic farming in Saskatchewan we are suitably positioned for organic producers and processors to tell a unique story to Canadians and people of the world about the goodness and benefit of organic food. Consumers are eager to know where their food comes from and how it has been grown. SaskOrganics is aiming to be a leader in transparent and responsible communication within our organic industry sector.

We welcome you to visit our website, follow us on social media, or leave us a comment through our contact form (scroll down to the bottom of this page). We would like to hear from you.

About SaskOrganics

SaskOrganics is a farmer led, membership non-profit organization that advocates for a sustainable and thriving
organic community through leadership in research, market development and communications. Our membership consists of about 900 organic producers and processors in Saskatchewan.


Marla Carlson,
Executive Director

PO Box 32066
RPO Victoria Square
Regina, SK  S4N 7L2
Tel. 306-535-3456

f: /SaskOrganics
t: @SaskOrganics



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